2019年8月5日,意大利道路宝集团Dulevo International S.p.A. 亚太区总经理大卫先生Mr.Davide到访成都劲邦环境工程有限公司,双方探讨了纯电动扫地车在中国的市场发展方向与前景,并推荐了最新研发的纯电动高效扫地车,授权成都劲邦在中国西部进行市场推广,将意大利的好产品向国内用户进行宣传。
此款DULEVO D.Zero²纯电动扫地车有5大特点:一,零排放,100%纯电动工作;二,静音,安静运行无干扰;三,高通过性,铰接式设计,狭窄车身,台阶也无法阻挡;四,全天侯,高性能锂电提供超过10小时工作时间;五,安全性,96伏低电动技术,保障电气与人员的安全,IP67防电不漏电。
100% electric, 100% performance
The D.zero² is the first 100% electric street sweeper created by Dulevo.
Thanks to its innovative, ecological technology, performance and compact size, it responds perfectly to the needs of towns and municipalities wanting to invest in the quality of life for their citizens.
The Dulevo D.zero² philosophy is based on four fundamental characteristics that make it unique in the sector.
Zero emissions
Dulevo D.zero² means zero emissions of CO2, zero harmful gases and zero dust re-introduced into the environment.
And what’s more: thanks to its electric motor there is a drastic reduction in noise emissions, enabling operators to work at night without disturbing the peace.
Zero manoeuvring problems
Thanks to the centre joint and two semi-frames, with Dulevo D.zero² even the most complex manoeuvres become easy.
Thanks to its size and manoeuvrability, the articulated street sweeper can work in town centres, green and crowded areas perfectly reaching even the smallest, narrowest spaces.
Zero limits
The Dulevo D.zero² sweeper has excellent autonomy: it can work a full shift with no need to be recharged.
Besides providing the sweeping performance of traditional street sweepers, thanks to being 100% electric, the Dulevo D.zero² has extremely reduced maintenance and power costs.
Zero risks
The ongoing Dulevo attention for work quality and the safety of operators is well represented by the Dulevo D.zero²: thanks to its low voltage technology risks that the electric equipment can generate are reduced to zero.
道路宝自1976年创始以来,一直以高大上的产品形象运行在全球各地,在中国的乌鲁木齐,长春,哈尔滨等城市,有大量的设备在高性能运行。此次推出的DULEVO D.Zero²纯电动扫地车以秉承高品质风格,为城市清扫服务。